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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Outta town!

So I'm in Chicago. I'm sitting at a very nice hotel (in the lobby cause our room's not ready yet). I've been sitting here for well over 2 hours with nothing to do. I'm such a loser.

More later.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Busy little bee

Counting drive time, I've been pulling 14 hour days. These are not fun. I'm one of the first ones at school and one of the last to leave. I leave the house, it's dark...I get home, it's dark. Poor puppy is not enjoying his time at home alone for 14 hours a day. I've thought about putting him in doggie day care. I use to laugh at those people, and now I have become one.

I can't teach him to use the doggie door yet since we STILL don't have a fence via Ike. We use to have parts of a fence, but the hubby decided to burn it all. I think he has a problem with being a slight pyro. We're outside the city limits, so we don't have a burn ban. Anyone can burn, and everyone does.


It's 8:30, and I'm finally home. Just 6 more days. I took off the last 3 days of school to go to Chicago for a convention. I'm pretty excited. I love my job, but if it's a choice of being there or not being there, I'll take the not being there.

I have a program on Thursday. 4th grade. I hate 4th grade. No, I shouldn't say that...I hate programs, and programs hate me. They're a huge waste of time. I've lost 10 weeks worth of music class to practice a stupid program! Don't call me on Friday...I'll be highly hungover. I'm sure it'll be a fiasco and will blog about it as soon as I can. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


When I was just 14, mom brought home a cute little min pin puppy. Beauty and the Beast was one of our favorite movies at the time, so we named her Belle.

For almost 16 years Belle was the family dog. And although she wasn't the most photogenic, we still loved her.