This last Saturday was a day I had been looking forward to for a long time. It was our High School Band reunion!

I had no intention (ever) of going to my regular high school reunion, but THIS was different. These were people with whom we spent many evenings and weekends. So much of our time was spent together, and then all of a sudden we began new lives. A lot of us still look the same...but different.
I felt a little bad for the spouses there who had nothing to do with our past. They must have thought we were all a little dorky...and we probably were.
But I hope we get to do it again soon. And not in another 13 years.

Amen to that, sister!! :-)
Aww! Y'all look great. = )
I wish I could have been dorky with y'all. I haven't had a chance to comment on your blog in a while, but I am so glad you are back! I love your posts...I just never get a chance to comment.
I know you have more photos, right?
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