This summer is going by WAY too fast! I should have known it would. The last school year went by just as fast. I have done a lot this summer, but I'm not ready to go back in 3 stinkin' weeks! Now those of you non-teachers don't need to do that whole "cry me a river" thing. I know I have a pretty sweet gig, but these vacations are well deserved. Having a whole 20 minutes of complete adult conversation in an 8 hour period, keeping a smile on my face for 50 minutes at a time, and demonstrating how to make a circle on the floor can take its toll. I have enjoyed not getting sneezed on the last 6 weeks, but I do miss a lot of my kids...well a few...okay, maybe just 1 or 2.
I even had such high hopes as to want to work on my curriculum during the summer. I really don't know what I was thinking. All my books are still in my crate where I left them the last day of school. I don't even want to look at them...I'm just not ready :oP
I have about a week and a half left with Joe. Then I probably won't see him again until Christmas. Puppy and I will miss him. I'm sure I'll be writing more often in the fall about how much I enjoy eating alone. Perhaps I should start a support group for wives of band directors. I digress...
So puppy is doing really great after getting over the Parvovirus. I weighed the little porker today and he's back up to his pre parvo weight. Looks like he was plenty spoiled at his gramma's house this last week! I'll have to post some pictures once I can find my dang camera cord!
13 years ago
I'll second that! I am SO not looking forward to going back to school! I think my summer to do list is out to get me!
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