Sometimes being on your own for a while can make you appreciate being married. Since Joe and I are both teachers you would assume we spend lots of time together during school breaks. On the contrary...
Summer week 1 and 2: I was in Minnesota, minus husband.
Week 3: husband at band camp, then off to NYC, minus wife.
Week 4: husband at band camp during the day. I think I saw him all of 3 evenings before...
Week 5: husband off to see his mother in South Carolina, minus wife.
This is where we are now. I kept myself busy today by going to the zoo, hanging out in Hermann Park, and going to the Japanese gardens.
Mr. Giraffe just wanted to show off some hiney for us.
This was in the Japanese Garden in Hermann Park.
So I had a good time even though I WAS by myself. There's lots to do on the West side of town, so next time I'm dragging hubby with me and he WILL enjoy it.
13 years ago
Hey! If you are bored come see our new house in Pearland! It is just off 288, so it is very easy to get to. Call me if you are bored in the next 2 weeks. You need to see Michael and Zachary...they are a hoot! Is it football season yet?
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