So my husband and I have these rental houses. Don't think we're rolling in it, we're probably the poorest people I know.
Anyhoo, there's this one house in particular that I think is cursed...or maybe it's just our choice of tenant. I'm sure she's a nice lady (I've never met her personally), but she's what our real estate mentor likes to call a purple martian. A purple martian is someone who wants to rent your property but has really crappy credit and a bad rental history. Oh, goody. How did we miss this one?
Long story short, she hasn't paid her rent since like July...this is not good. I even went to court last week and won the case. Now what? you say? It's time for forcible eviction. She's been emailing my husband back and forth trying to win us over with her sob stories and bad grammar. I'm a pretty sympathetic person, but three months is long enough lady!
I suppose being a teacher has hardened me. People will do almost anything to get what they want. Or it's just that I have no soul.
13 years ago
purple martian? sounds like an alcoholic drink. congrats on your court case. :) Did you have to talk?
HAHAHA!!! Well yes...I did have to talk. I was the last case so there was nobody else in the room. Nothing formal.
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