The week of convention is finally upon us. Music convention, that is. Here is a chance for music teachers to get away from school and be either drunk or hung over for 3 days. This happens twice a year for us music folk...February and July. I always look forward to these little reunions...that's pretty much what it feels like. You see people you haven't seen since the last convention and there's a lot of alcohol involved. I always enjoy going and seeing how people have changed. Have they gotten fat?...thin?...married?...divorced? Teachers are a very gossipy group of people.
Then there's those people you don't really want to see and try to avoid at all costs. But no matter how much you try to avoid eye contact and reverse direction, they always catch up to you and want to talk about their job and how great things are. Then they ask you where you are teaching. But this year I'm going to smile happily and say "nowhere...I don't teach anymore". That'll certainly wind the conversation down, for music teachers like to talk shop. No shop to talk here! This year I can just be one of those "band director's wives". I'm ready to get my drink on! :o)
13 years ago
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