I am going to change my life starting with my kitchen sink. Thanks Rhonda for the cool website that's teaching me how to clean and declutter my life! I'm starting small, I know, but that's exactly how I'm suppose to start. The first thing we're told to do is "shine your sink". There's a certain way this is done, so I won't go into detail here, but that's step one. This one thing has made me a happy girl. I've had a clean, shiny sink for 3 whole days! I'm feeling quite accomplished! Now, I thought it was kind of cheesey when I went there the first time, and it was a lot of information, but sooooooo worth it! I think everyone should be taking advice from the FlyLady. And if you don't need her because you don't have any clutter or messes, then I don't like you. That is not natural!
13 years ago
that's funny that you found that site. I found it about 6 months ago. I take some of the tips. But really Justin needs to read it.
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