My eighth day of school, I felt a little tickle in my throat. Well, I am talking and singing all day, so I thought it was just voice strain. Day nine I wake up with a stuffy nose. This is not happening the SECOND week of school! As teachers we accumulate days every year to use as we see fit. If we change districts, we lose our local days, but keep our state days. My last year of teaching, I thought that would be it for me. I went ahead and took ALL my days that year. I had 21. Yes, I took 21 days off school...I hated it that much.
Fast forward to the present. I am now starting with no days of sick leave...not that I would take any right now, but coming from 21 days to nothing in one year is quite impressive. My immune system is crappy. I really was sick a lot that year. My first year of teaching little kids who don't like to wash their hands takes its toll. I had several colds, the flu (twice), pleurisy, ringworm, and a few upper respiratory infections. It was a rough year. So here I go again. Into a new battlefield of germs and infection. Second week of school...I think that's a record. Even though I've sprayed Lysol on all my door handles, keep hand sanitizer on me like a drug, and wash my hands 27 times a day, it was all for nothing.
These next two weeks, I'm going to do a little experiment. I'm not going to sanitize anything, and see if I still get sick. Might as well have a little fun with not being able to breath through my nose.
13 years ago
That sucks! You know what's really weird.......the 2 times I sprayed my classroom (doorhandles, phone, music stands, etc.) down with lysol....I got sick. Yep, both times.
I still have a big 'ol bottle of lysol left....but I'm afraid to use it!
Hope you get better fast! New germs suck!
I live on Airborne and Zicam when I first get the classroom crud. It might be all in my head, but I swear it helps!
Good luck!
(By the way, my husband so impressed with using up all 21 days. He is most disappointed not to get a hurricane day off this week!)
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